Business Process
Process Modeling is the development of efficient, repeatable
business processes (often through the use of computer-based
process modelling applications) that align with the overall
business strategy of an enterprise.
What is a Business Process?
To understand process modelling it is vital to first understand the
purpose of a business process.
Every enterprise has an overarching goal or primary objective. In
commercial enterprises that goal is usually to generate profits
from the sale of goods and services. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to coordinate the activities of a number of departments
and staff using the most efficient methods possible.
A business process is simply a set of instructions by which a
department or staff member can perform their function as
efficiently as possible. These instructions should be fixed and
repeatable so as to allow staff members to become more efficient
with experience.
Applications of Process Modeling
The challenge faced by any enterprise is in developing efficient,
repeatable processes that can be applied to the business
effectively (example:
help desk software). To aid in this development process, process modeling
software can offer a number of software tools to help visualize
current business processes, identify bottlenecks and possible
Process Modeling software tools (from vendors such as
ProcessModel Inc.) operate in a variety of ways,
depending on the package. However, despite cosmetic differences in
methods of visualization and presentation, all BPM tools have the
same basic aims:
* Description of Current Processes
BPM software allows enterprises to visually map their current
business processes, allowing them a comprehensive overview of what
actually happens. This allows users to look at a process from an
objective point of view and enables them to identify areas of
concern and possible methods of improvement.
* Definition of Desired Processes
Perhaps most importantly, BPM tools can be used to identify
methods of optimizing processes. By enabling an objective
birds-eye view of the process it becomes possible to develop
methods of achieving greater process efficiency.
BPM tools can also offer guidance on methods by which a process
could become more automated. By identifying processes that could
be entrusted to computers, overall efficiency and process speed
could be improved.
Benefits of BPM Software
BPM software offers a wide range of benefits to enterprises
implementing it, including:
* Process Improvement
Clearly, the primary benefit of any process modeling software will
be the improvement in process efficiency that it allows. By
offering an objective view of any business process, BPM software
allows planners to effectively identify best practices and plan
for their implementation.
* Process Simplification
BPM tools can help identify redundancies and excessive complexity
in a business process. Ideally, any alteration to a business
process will make that process less complex (i.e. remove or modify
redundant and inefficient steps) . While reduced complexity will
naturally make that process faster, it will also reduce the time
required to train new staff to understand and follow it.
Perhaps the simplest example of how simplification can aid a
process is in the fast food industry. Since fast food restaurants
typically suffer from a high rate of staff turnover it is vital to
simplify processes in order to minimize training time.
* Process Impact Predictions
In addition to providing the means to design improved processes,
BPM software can also offer the capacity to answer various ‘what
if?’ questions, allowing planners to predict the impact of process
modifications. Since business processes are usually inter-linked
with at least one other process in the enterprise, this prediction
capacity can be an important tool to determine whether alterations
will have either a positive or negative knock on effect to other
Additionally, this prediction capacity allows planners to focus
their efforts on mitigating/exploiting the knock on effect of
process alterations, perhaps leading to a domino effect of process
improvements throughout the enterprise.
* Quantitative Costing Predictions
BPM software can also offer an insight into the predicted costs of
process modifications. If a process is to make better use of
available IT systems, what will be the cost of maintaining those
systems? If new staff must be retained to eradicate a bottleneck
in a process, will the increased output of the process outweigh
the additional labor costs?
Further information can be found at the website of the
Process Management Initiative (BPMI).
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Process modelling software